Opening Ceremony
Visual LED

Fri Jul 19 2022

As Art Director, I led the concept development for a captivating animation on the visual LED backdrop for Vivaland's opening ceremony. This animation complements a contemporary dance performance that blends neoclassical ballet with Vietnamese Fold Music.

The challenge was to visually represent the harmonious fusion of tradition and modernity, while hinting at ecology and sustainability. Drawing inspiration from Vietnamese cultural symbolism, I chose the bamboo plant. Its characteristics – strength, resilience, and collective growth – resonate with Vivaland's aspirations. The final animation, a collaboration with 2D, 3D, and motion graphics artists, showcases this duality: honoring Vietnamese heritage while embracing a growth-oriented future. Humbly starting as individual shoots, bamboo culms rise together, eventually forming architectural 'monuments' – a testament to the power of collective effort.

Results: Breathtaking still renders and video presentations showcasing the Jewel Home's all-day and year-round grandeur. These visuals serve as visually enchanting marketing tools, allowing potential buyers to envision the home's beauty and functionality across different time of day and weather conditions.

Vivaland's Head of Marketing immediately approved the concept upon presentation. The audience was captivated by the performance, particularly impressed by the intricate details of the computer-generated LED animation. This bamboo animation sequence served as a seamless transition, culminating in the first public unveiling of the Vivaland logo.

Mr. Chen Lian Pang, Chairman of Viva Land, stated Viva Land's commitment to sustainable development in following press release. He emphasized creating high-class, green living spaces while preserving cultural values.

Capital Studio Media City
Dance Crew: SCBC
Dance Director: Vũ 
Art Director: Lạc Hoàng
Unreal Artist Phương Nguyễn 
3D Artist & Motion Graphic Designer: Nguyensydes
Project Manager: Trúc Nguyễn, Luân T Trâm
©Lac Hoang“I don't know why people expect art to make sense. They accept the fact that life doesn't make sense.”
― David Lynch