Trap Film “Room"
Production Design

Tue Jul 19 2022

This proposal outlines a production design concept for X3D Studio. As Art Director, I will lead the development of a full visual package for a scene portraying a frustrated female scientist, the COO of a software company, in Singapore during the year 2050. 

A large transparent display replaces the window, doubling as a viewport and work surface. Widgets track the poor air quality outside, while the view displays a polluted cityscape - a blend of tech and apocalyptic haze.

Drawing from the director's vision and script, we developed the character of a female COO who inhabits a high-tech living space that feels strangely cold. This juxtaposition reflects the reality of her world: a more vibrant simulation exists in stark contrast to her physical environment.

The environment is an unique blend of worn, industrial materials juxtaposed with sleek, high-tech furnishings, reflecting the transformation of an old apartment into a modern, tech-integrated living space.

>> Behind-the-scene images of the room on LED display

>> The room on LED display on Media Day of X3D Studio Public Launch

© Infinite Reality Studio & X3D Studio
Client: Refinery Media Singapore
Technical Supervisors: Hưng Trương, Taka
Art Director: Lạc Hoàng
Unreal Artists: Dân Kha, Kuro Tuấn
3D Artist: Đức Anh
Graphic Artist: Thành Bean
Art Director Assistant: Vi An 
Project Manager: Trân Phạm, Kim Phương

©Lac Hoang“I don't know why people expect art to make sense. They accept the fact that life doesn't make sense.”
― David Lynch